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Political success can be planned.

The international cross-party congress for political communication.

Our topics 2024:

Big Picture / Election Trends.
Focus topic: Media and politics.
PLUS: Tools and best practices.

In expert presentations and discussions.




WHAT / The Congress

Congress for political communication.


December 04-05, 2024 / Hotel Stefanie Vienna



WHO / Target group

Agencies, academies, political consultants, communication staff of political parties, politicians.

HOW MUCH / Tickets & Prices

from € 890,- within Early Bird / instead of € 1000,- regular.


All topics.

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Top trends in
Communication & Voting Behavior

➥ The congress starts on 04.12. at 14h with a block on the top trends

➥ What lessons can be learned from the US election for the field of political communication?
➥ How will AI change election campaigns?
➥What are the general trends in voting behavior?

➥ With Luke Martz (Riverfront Strategy), Dr. Simon Kruschinsky (University of Mainz) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder (University of Kassel).

➥ Interactive discussion:
Trends in voting behavior.

➥ Followed by an evening event.

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Politics & Media
“Make the media
to be your friend”

➥ Analysis / discourse on the focus topic of media & politics.

➥ Media work from the perspective of a political journalist

➥ Agenda setting and PR

➥ Are party-owned media the future / Our best practice keynote


➥ Interactive discussion:
Traditional channels vs. social media.

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Communication /
-Tools for electoral

➥ The focus is on tools and strategies for promoting successful communication.

➥ Tik-Tok & social media: How to create completely new target groups.
➥ Email marketing: the power of a neglected tool

➥ Political survey research today:
Unimagined possibilities based on a best practice case

➥ With Alexander Lagger (CamBuildr), Hannes Kirchbaumer (Radiant PIG) and Jana Faus (pollytix research).

Hotel Stefanie

Hotel Stefanie

References / IC. Events

References / IC. Events